Welcome to the Greater Colesville Citizens Association Website!

The Greater Colesville Citizens Association (GCCA) serves approximately 3500 households in the Colesville area of eastern Montgomery County, Maryland. We are an active Citizens Accoication made up of homeowners and local business people who actively participate in the issues that affect the quality of life in our area. To learn whether or not you live in the GCCA area and who your Area Representatives are, please see our Area Map. Annual membership dues (June through May) are $10.00 per individual or associate member. To become a member, go to the Join GCCA page.

2015-2016 GCCA Officers and Chairpersons:

President – Dan Wilhelm

Vice President – Marguerite Raaen 

Treasurer – Mark Pankow 

Recording Secretary – Dave Michaels

Clarion Editor – Nancy Laich

Webmaster – Dave Michaels

Transportation Review – Vacant

Zoning Text Amendments – Vacant

Welcome to Colesville Signs – Sylvia McPherson

Development Review – Vacant

Beautification – Sylvia McPherson

Legislative Review – Vacant

Adopt-A-Road – Vacant

GCCA Board Meetings   GCCA Board Meetings are held on the Second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Transfiguration Parish , 13925 New Hampshire Ave. Please enter through the rear of the building. Meetings are open to the public. For more information about the GCCA or how you can advertise in our quarterly newsletter, “The Clarion,” please contact Dave Michaels or send your comments, questions, or concerns to GCCA, PO Box 4087, Colesville, MD 20914

In case of inclement weather, GCCA meetings follow the same cancellation policy as the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS). If schools cancel evening activities due to weather conditions, GCCA cancels any meeting scheduled for that same time period. To find out whether school is closed or evening activities are cancelled go to School’s Out and follow the links to Montgomery County Public Schools.

GCCA Board Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Transfiguration Parish, 13925 New Hampshire Ave. Please enter through the lower entrance at the rear of the Church. Meetings are open to the public.